Grants include the Cal State grants and the Chafee Grant.
for the average student loan amount.
The School of Creative Arts and Applied Sciences offers courses ranging from Spanish communication to child development. The school&8217;s music, radio and TV program offers students degrees in radio, commercial and keyboard studies. The department also hosts concerts and music events all around the school.
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Please submitonlycomments, concerns, or criticism about Long Beach City College tobe posted on this website. Any questions for the school itself should be sent to the school directly. has no official or unofficial affiliation with Long Beach City College.
Long Beach also has a Learning Resources Department on campus that takes part in adult education, distance learning and media equipment services. The adult education program offers classes in reading, writing, English and preparing for the.
Loans include The William D. Ford Direct Loan Program
The school offers aid for military personnel and veterans.
The Distance Learning Program at Long Beach offers online courses, hybrid courses and televised courses in a host of fields.
Feel free to add comments or additional information regarding Long Beach City College, or discuss this school in theUniversity Discussion Forum
To be admitted to Long Beach City College, students must complete an official school application and submit high school or equivalent transcripts and/scores. The school accepts international and transfer students. An online application is offered.
Long Beach is an urban metropolitan city that is home to one of the largest shipping ports in the world, The Port of Long Beach. The cities location to the Pacific Ocean make it a renowned place to relax on the beach.
costmotology adult school in long beach Long Beach City College i,The School of Business and Social Science offers courses including history, political science, fire science and sociology. The school&8217;s culinary arts program is a three semester course that exposes students to managecostmotology adult school in long beachrial skills, nutrition and menu planning.
This website and associated pages are not associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by Long Beach City College.
Secrets to getting the bestCalifornia scholarships and financial aid
Long Beach City College is home to 21 intercollegiate athletic teams including baseball, basketball and football. The athletic teams are known as the Vikings. Many students at the school have gone on to professional athletic careers. The Vikings are known as a powerhouse in community college circles.costmotology adult school in long beach Long Beach City College i
Long Beach City College is a two-year community college that offers a host of degrees and diplomas within six schools including:
Students who are in need of financial aid must complete theform for consideration. Long Beach offers loans, grants and scholarships through its Financial Aid Office.
Scholarships include The American Dream Scholarship, The Long Beach City College Scholarship and the Gilman International Scholarship.
How many students use Financial Aid, and how much do they use?
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The Sheet Metal Program at Long Beach City College is the only sheet metal program in the Los Angeles/Orange County area. Skills developed with this program include equipment operation and sheet metal pattern development. The program also sponsors field trips to the Los Angeles Sheet Metal Workers Training Center operated by the Los Angeles Sheet Metal WorkersLocal 105.
Long Beach City College was founded in 1927 in Long Beach, California and currently enrolls over 26,000 students. The school offers many clubs and organizations including The Associated Student Body which is the largest group on campus and funds most student events for the school.
Events held on campus include the Spring Sing Variety Show and the Mini Grand-Prix.